Just curious

What if …

… people who have a poor sense of who they are, mistrust and fear of others and struggle with powerful emotions were supported by :

feeling understood and validated rather than risk assessed and controlled

workers with a shared, consistent and cohesive understanding about what helps and what doesn’t

their workers and agencies as calm, emotionally contained and functional

a mutually respectful and collaborative approach to risk taking & safety planning

feeling like a subject to be heard rather than an object to be managed

What if mental health clinicians, support practitioners and human services professionals took the time with each other to recognise and acknowledge….

each others challenges, concerns, fears and uncertainties

the importance of feeling heard, validated, respected and valued

the need for support and understanding in the face of challenging risk of harm

differing values, knowledge, skills and experiences actually add value to the overall process

the benefits of a shared and cohesive understanding of the client/consumers presenting issues and recovery process

an effective recovery process requires an authentic collaborative process

Makes you wonder what may be possible?


Post by Brett Bridges